Land Promotion

Our Approach

Site Selection and Project Management

We are proud of the fact that over 90% of our plot stock has an allocation for development in an emerging Local Plan or better (ie all the way through the planning process to a planning permission). This achievement is in part the result of our initial site selection. We use our experience and expertise to undertake a thorough review of the planning and commercial prospects for a site.

Constraints & Opportunities

Through the appointment of a suitable consultant team we rapidly gain an in-depth understanding of a site, including its technical constraints (ecology, Policy, air quality, noise and development potential). Our consultant teams are selected on a ‘best for the job in hand’ approach within a context of value for money and being able to work together. We will seek to maximise the opportunity within the context of the scale of the existing settlement and the local planning authority’s requirements.


Stakeholder & Community Engagement

While a consultant team will give you technical knowledge of a site, it is positive community engagement that will give you the political understanding to know what is missing from a community and what you might do to mitigate, in a practical sense, the impact of your development. We have always sought to work positively with a community and its representatives which results in an improved outcome for all.  

Planning Application

Through a combination of the above we look to submit a planning application at the most opportune time.  This will tend to be in time to support the emerging Local Plan through the Examination in Public stage to demonstrate to a Local Plan Inspector how the site can be delivered.

Joint Marketing

Upon the grant of planning permission, we will sit down with the vendor and their agents to consider how best to market the site.  This will include discussion about the consented scheme; the state of the housing market, and which developers are currently active within the market.  We never forget it is your land we are selling and therefore once a strategy has been agreed upon, we jointly market and sell the land.