About us

Our Expertise

Lioncourt Strategic Land Limited is a division of the Lioncourt Group, a privately owned company underpinned by consistently strong support from a substantial range of long term investors and its bankers, Barclays. The Company has both the experience and the financial strength to successfully promote large strategic land projects.

We currently have land with within our strategic land portfolio to deliver in excess of 6500 homes. See our case studies for further details.

The Lioncourt Strategic Land team has a wide range of experience. From working for private and PLC house builders, through to privately owned land trading companies, local goverment and private land owners. This experience, coupled with input from the property agency sector, has helped us to shape the business to deliver a ‘best of all worlds’ solution.

We mainly enter into promotion agreements to promote sites through the planning system. Following grant of planning permission we jointly dispose of the land to the open market, using the landowner’s agent where appropriate. This ensures the best price is achieved for both the landowner and Lioncourt in a transparent and arms-length transaction.

This methodology helps the timely delivery of sites to significantly boost the supply of housing, as sites are offered to the industry rather than simply to a single option holder.

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Lioncourt Strategic Land have achieved appeal success for 130 homes at Fernhill Heath

The team at Lioncourt Strategic Land are delighted to have achieved appeal success for 130 homes at Fernhill Heath Worcestershire. We entered an Option Agreement in Decembe... Read more

Lioncourt Strategic Land has achieved planning permission for 660 homes

Lioncourt Strategic Land Limited are delighted to have completed a significant land transaction!  We achieved planning permission for 660 homes, a 70-bed extra care developme... Read more