Andy Faizey MRTPI
Strategic Land Director
Andy has day-to-day responsibility for running Lioncourt Strategic Land. Andy’s experience includes working for PLC housebuilders, a land trading company and initially, local government having been a chartered town planner for over 30 years.
At Westbury, Andy delivered 50% of the Company’s strategic land consents over an 8 year period. Andy then ran the Midlands Division of George Wimpey Strategic Land for 4 years, latterly as an internal trading vehicle.
Andy has a wide range of planning and land transaction experience ranging from running planning appeals, chairing a 3000 dwelling consortium scheme to outline planning permission, to while at Lioncourt removing land for over 7000 plots from the green belt, a successful High Court / Court of Appeal Local Plan challenge, and overseeing land sales with a value in excess of £90m. Additionally, seeing the transfer of a further three sites to the Homes business.